human rights, international humanitarian law, human rights law, women’s rights, protection of women’s rights, armed conflicts, violence against women, gender discriminationAbstract
The article analyses the issue of protecting women’s rights as human rights in armed conflict. Women increasingly bear the brunt of armed conflict. It is argued that armed conflict often exacerbates inequalities that exist in various forms and makes women particularly vulnerable when armed conflict begins. It is analysed that during armed conflict, whether as combatants or as civilians, women become victims of the violence of war, just like men. However, sexual violence is largely gendered, and although men are also subjected to sexual violence, women and girls are still more often the main victims. Armed conflicts have shown that sexual violence is not a natural by-product of war, but a strategy and tool of armed conflict. It is argued that in general, assessing the impact of armed conflict on women requires taking into account a wide range of factors, the relevance and impact of which vary significantly across cultures and for individual women within those cultures. The international community must take all necessary measures to prevent gender-based violence, including sexual violence, against women and girls – both in peacetime and in times of armed conflict. The full participation of women and girls in conflict prevention and resolution, displacement and peacebuilding is essential for ensuring meaningful and lasting global peace and stability. The conclusions state that it is crucial to work together towards a future where women’s rights are respected and where armed conflict no longer results in gender-based violence and discrimination. Protecting the human rights of women affected by armed conflict is not just a humanitarian imperative, but a fundamental step in preserving human dignity.
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