


illegal handling, firearms, ammunition, crime, violent criminal offenses


Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine led not only to the destruction of the economy and crippled human destinies, but also to an increase in the number of weapons in illicit circulation. Illegal possession and use of firearms has always represented a significant public danger and threat to the state and society. The entire world community is struggling with the problem of escalating armed crime and the increasing spread of illegal weapons. An increasing number of states are experiencing an increase in the number of violent criminal offenses involving firearms and, as a result, an increase in the need for them. The specificity of illicit trafficking in firearms is that it poses a significant social danger in itself and is a prerequisite for the commission of criminal offenses classified as grave and especially grave crimes, in particular terrorism, murder, and hostage-taking. The increase in the number of criminal offenses committed with the use of firearms is a direct consequence of their illegal circulation. Also, weapons should be considered not only as a tool for committing the most dangerous criminal offenses, but also as a prerequisite for the development of international conflicts. Unfortunately, the growing integration of world economic processes contributes to the illegal distribution of items and substances withdrawn from civilian circulation, including weapons and ammunition. As a consequence, the quantity, and most importantly the danger, of criminal offenses in this category provides additional requirements for the quality of work of law enforcement agencies required to counter this criminal phenomenon. All this indicates the need for comprehensive scientific research in this area. The authors conducted a comprehensive analysis of various aspects of the legal regulation of the circulation of civilian firearms in Ukraine and in some countries of the world, which made it possible to conclude that it is necessary to adopt a separate legislative act in Ukraine regulating the circulation of firearms without excessive prohibitions.


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